The Rebbe’s Gelt Gemach

Helping Shluchim on the West Coast

The Rebbe’s Gelt Gemach was estabished at the West Coast Kinus Hashluchim in 5766. It is dedicated to helping Shluchim on the West Coast with short-term loans. Funded primarily by Shluchim for Shluchim, the Gemach has to date made hundreds of loans, helping many dozens of Shluchim.

To donate to this incredible cause, please click here.

For Loans

Loans are available in amounts up to $7,500, to be repaid in monthly increments of $500 (for loans up to $5k) or $750 (for loans $5k and up).

Loans require a guarantor/Arev, who must also be a Shliach on the West Coast.

To borrow, please fill out the loan form here.

Please have your Arev fill out the form here.

Questions may be addressed to, or to any of the Va’ad members.

Rebbe’s Gelt Va’ad:

Rabbi Yossi Baitelman, Chabad of Studio City

Rabbi Reuven Mintz, Chabad of Newport Beach

Rabbi Dov Wagner, Chabad USC
Rohr Chabad Jewish Student Center at USC