Sinai Scholars
An 8-week must-take course for a practical overview of Judaism's view on life and intriguing debates.
Weekly Classes
Earn stipends and free trips with the fascinating Sinai Scholars and JewishU courses covering all kinds of Jewish topics!
Sinai Scholars
An 8-week must-take course for a practical overview of Judaism's view on life and intriguing debates.
Mondays @8pm
Chabad House
BookClub - Letters for Life
Read on your own time fascinating insights about emotional well-being and resilience, and discuss during our weekly book club. Free book included.
Wednesdays @6pm
Chabad House
Pizza & Parsha
No one’s ever said no to pizza! Enjoy a lunch at the center of Campus with weekly discussions on the Parsha and varying topics in Judaism.
Thursdays @12pm
Alumni Park
Unpacking the Jewish Library
Dive into the fascinating, diverse genres and classicals in the millennia-old Jewish library.
Thursdays @7pm
Chabad House
Soul Mates
Looking to find true love? Find out what that means in this class on the Jewish perspective of love and relationships!
Saturdays @12pm
Chabad House
Lunch & Learn at the Law School on Wednesdays at 12pm, and at the Dental School on Tuesdays at 12pm. Inquire for more details.

Pizza & Parsha
No one’s ever said no to pizza! Enjoy a lunch at the center of Campus with weekly discussions on the Parsha and varying topics in Judaism.
- Alumni Park, Campus Center
- Thursdays, 12:00-1:00 PM

Why the Jews?!
How have Jews survived against all the odds? Why is Jew-hatred so popular? How would the world look without this nation? Why the Star of David, Gefilte fish, and Yiddish?
- Chabad House
- Thursdays, 7:00 PM (Sep. 12, 19, 26, Oct. 31)

Revisiting Jewish Holidays
Ever wondered why Dreidels on Chanukah? Or why Tishrei has so many holidays? The surprising origins of the Passover Seder and the lessons to be learned from Shavuot? Let’s revisit the history, laws, culture, and inspiration of the Jewish Holidays.
- Chabad House
- Thursdays, 7:00 PM (Nov. 7, 14, 21, 28)

Join our 8-week program exploring Jewish fundamentals and their applications in our modern world. Be challenged with new perspectives and explore our rich heritage. Connect with your peers, and earn a stipend upon completion.
Chabad House
Mon. 8:00 PM

Thursdays with Dovid
Join a discussion and class with Rabbi Dovid on Jewish History, philosophical questions, and much more. Classes qualify for JewishU credits!
Chabad House
Thu. 8:00 PM

Join us on campus every Thursday for free Pizza and discussion! Whether you stop by between classes or stay the whole time, Pizza and Parsha is a great way to get involved. Classes qaulify for JewishU credits!
Almuni Park
Thu. 12:00 PM

Wednesdays with Rabbi Dov
Join the discussion with Rabbi Dov at the Chabad House! Classes on many fascinating , thought-provoking Jewish topics of interest that qualify for JewishU credits!
Chabad House
Wed. 7:00 PM

Take a break in the middle of your day to talk about relationships. Join Mushky for Coffee & Conversation. Happening at the Village Starbucks at 11:00am Mondays. Classes qualify for JewishU credits!
Film School Coffee Been
Tue. 12:00 PM

There’s nothing like a one-on-one learning experience! Challenge Rabbi Dov, Rabbi Dovid, Runya, or Mushky with questions and topics of interest to be discussed at the personalized learning experience. Reach out to us here to set up a time.