Birthright Israel Info Page

Application acceptance is expected to be competitive this summer, so be sure to sign up early using the form below.

Summer 2025

May 2025
Direct flights from/to LAX

Who is eligible?

This amazing gift is available to Jewish young adults, ages 18 through 26 who have never been to Israel on a previous educational tour with their peers.

Mayanot’s birthright israel tours are open to all Jews, regardless of background, affiliation or practice. Our welcoming approach and excellent track reputation of attention to detail help ensure that Jews with varying beliefs and observance levels are able enjoy the program — together.

Is it really free?

Yes, the program is free. This includes airfare on El-Al Airlines, accommodations at quality hotels, and almost all meals. A $250 fully refundable deposit is required, and is returned after the program. Students will need to arrange their own transportation to the city of departure, and are expected to pay for several of their own meals in Israel. That’s it!

What will we do when we are there?

  • tour, hike and jeep throughout Israel
  • climb the ancient fortress of Masada
  • float in the Dead Sea
  • enjoy the culture, and excitement of Jerusalem & Tel Aviv
  • experience a warm and fun-filled traditional Shabbat
  • visit the Western Wall and the Yad Vashem holocaust museum
  • meet Israeli students, soldiers, politicians & business leaders…
    …and much more!

Interest Form - Summer 2025

Let us know you are interested in the summer program. To reserve a spot be sure to complete registration on the Birthright website as well (BIRTHRIGHT REGISTRATION NOY YET OPENED – we will send an email to you as soon as it does).

Birthright Form 2025